

There are quite a few prominent symbols I came across in Newsworld by Todd James Pierce. I think one of the most important ones is nostalgia. This is referenced quite a few times throughout the piece, but also it seems to have different levels that connect with the author and the environment he is displaying for us within this theme park he grew up with. When they go in to the park after it’s closed is when his emotions and nostalgia really come in to play. The story is happening during a time of terror for our country and he’s describing how by walking through the dark wreckage of this closed down park and seeing all the cultural things that have happened in the past for the US, like the San Francisco Earthquake, made him understand the severity of 9/11. This also brought up another symbol, which is the future, or more so questioning the future. By nostalgically clinging to the innocence of his youth, he questions what will happen to them in the future.

Are they going to get drafted? Is life going to be harder and completely different than the past? These are questions we all relate to. I specifically remember feeling the same way after 9/11. I remember the exact place I was when I heard the news and how it affected me and the people I was surrounded by in school. I understand the feelings the author of this piece was feeling. I also was confused, scared, and unsure of how to react. I was a young – not far from the age of this author and when 9/11 struck I clung to the nostalgia of my past and also could help but question everything that was about to happen to us with such a change in my existence.

I think if I were to adopt this story to another medium, as a filmmaker I would make it in to film. I think the film that I would make would be a bit abstract with visuals of what the he describes from the park and what I think of as well. I would combine both renditions of what connects us to that day. I think also maybe a voice over of what he says in the story might be appropriate to add as well.


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